On today's edition of Women Who Empower Us we hear from Jada Wright Geene!
Hello everyone, my name is Jada Wright Greene, and I am a public historian, independent museum professional and a Faith Walker. I am a wife and mother of three children. I am also the Founder and Editor of Heritage Salon Magazine, the first and only publication dedicated to African American museums. In 2009. I was given the title "The African American Museum Activist" by a well-known museum director.

About five years ago, I learned a valuable lesson that taught me to always be true to myself. I accepted that I am exactly how I'm supposed to be-- perceived flaws and all! After all of the ups and downs of life, I realized that God created me to be my authentic self and I don't need to apologize for it.
To me Empowerment means having the confidence and direction from God to move in His will to fulfill my life's purpose, and I try to empower the women and girls around me by offering encouraging words and praying for them.. While I was in college, I often felt that I was out of alignment with my Authentic Self. Like most college-aged girls, I was trying to figure out who I was. Unfortunately, I found myself in an unhealthy relationship, and it took getting hurt multiple times for me to realize I deserved better. I moved away from my home, started fresh and did the work to remember who I truly was. Through a lot of quiet time and prayer, I was able to overcome the hurt and I vowed to never go back into an unhealthy relationship or forget my worth! I think what I love most about The North Star community is that it's a safe space that empowers, encourages and motivates women. It is a place to be inspired and motivated! I would love it if you followed me on Instagram @JadaWGreene and visited my website jadawrightgreene.com There is one more thing that I would like to share with each of you and it's that prayer changes things. I believe when we ask God for wisdom and guidance He will lead us down the right path. Even if we get off the path, God will get us back on track if we remember to keep Him first!